Thursday, April 1, 2010

Pearls of Knowledge - MBA to PhD and Beyond

I am always looking for synergy between things. My ongoing fantasy is that I can somehow weave all aspects of my being into one discipline. I would like to bring my emotional, psychological, creative, scientific, business, physical and spiritual selves together into a purposefully cohesive whole.

My youngest daughter is 16 years old and I have 6 1/2 more years to help shepard her through two educational systems: high school and college. This gives me ample time to accomplish my own educational goals.

In my Decision Making in Complex Environments class, we are learning to do decision modeling using the professor's software program. Since I work in the area of Biomedical Informatics, I have been tossing around the idea that I could focus on how to improve significant decisions being made in the area of medicine.

This has lead me to considering the concept of getting both an MBA and a PhD in Biomedical Informatics. Business is really the discipline of considering all real-world aspects of a venture: benefits, opportunities, costs and risks. Informatics is a field that is so broad and comprehensive, like the universe, I haven't yet discovered even the edges. This provides me with the sensation that the door is wide open for exploration.

When the world becomes your oyster, it is easy to feel like a pearl!

1 comment:

  1. Karma you are very ambitious. I do think however an MBA is a good idea even for nurses. It is always good to know the financial side of your business. The CEO of my system thought it was so important he created a program for new managers at our facilities called "Hertiage Way MBA" to teach the economic side of health care.
